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Every department store and mail order catalog is filled with
candles this year. The soft glow of those designer gel candles
can be yours for a fraction of the cost. Customize your candles
with your choice of vase and wax colors. ANY heat resistant
object can be placed inside your gel candle.

                       1.Remove gel wax from container and place in wax pouring container.
                       2.For smaller vases, place one wick in center of container. For larger vases, 
                          place two or three wicks, evenly spaced apart in center of vase, as 
                          shown in photo. Optional: Use floral
                          wire to secure wicks in an upright position until gel has firmed.
                       3.Cover bottom of vase with shells.
                       4.Melt gel wax, following manufacturer's instructions. Pour melted was 
                        into vase over shells.
                        5.If floral wire was used, remove from candle wicks once wax has cooled.
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There are no warrantees or guarantees for any instructions given on
this website. Use these instructions at your own risk.

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