The Formula:
95% White Mineral Oil 375*
Degrees F Flash Point 200 Viscosity
5% CP9000 Thermoplastic
Resin Powder
The Procedure:
Mix Oil and Resin together
and allow to stand for 60 minutes at
room temperature. Begin heating
slowly to 200* degrees F.
Cook at 200F for 1 hour or
until all lumps have dissolved,
stirring as needed. (Never
exceed 220*F.) Add fragrance and
color if desired and pour.
Makes crystal clear gel that
burns five to seven times
longer than wax.
How to Make
Gel Candles
STEP #1 You
will only need a few simple tools, of which all
can usually be found in your
kitchen. A metal spoon,
a scale, a measuring cup,
and a crock pot with a
thermostat or a stovetop pan
and a thermometer.
![inst.jpg (6979 bytes)](inst.jpg)
STEP #2 Ingredients:Mineral
Oil, CP9000 Resin, Wick and
base, Fragrance and
color. (optional). Measure ingredients as
follows. 2 Fluid Cups mineral
oil, 25 Grams CP9000 Resin.
Mix and allow to set at room
temprature for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
STEP #3 Begin
heating ingredients slowly bringing to
200-210 degrees F (Never
exceed 220*F)and hold at this temp for
1 hour or
until the gel is completly
smooth flowing. The consistancy of corn syrup.
STEP #4 Be
sure to never let the temprature exceed
220 degrees as this may scorch
the gel. If gel does scorch
it is worthless and no amount
of fragrance can save it. Give up and start over.
STEP #5 Stir
the mixture often while cooking to to assure
proper mixture. If you dont
have a crock pot be sure to watch
your temp on a thermometer.
The gel may smoke slightly during the
process, this is not a cause
for alarm unless smoke is excessive.
STEP #6Just
before you are ready to pour add fragrance
to suit (do not exceed 3%)
as this will lower your
flash point to
an unsafe level.
Color should be added now
if desired.
Just a Safety Note: Candle Gel will
flashover~burn~catch fire
when hot enough (Aprox 225 degrees F).
Always keep a fire extinguisher handy. It should
be in your kitchen anyway!
While we are on this topic of safety, please
remember you are working with
some very hot solutions. These solutions can
scald or burn skin. Protect your
eyes and skin against splashes. Keep small children,
pets and annoying people
away from your work area. If you should get burned,
treat it like any other burn
and of course if you should get some in your
eyes or enough of burn on
your skin, see a doctor immediately. We can not
be held liable for
any of these instructions. Use them at YOUR OWN
Everything on this entire website
There are no warrantees
or guarantees for any instructions given on
this website. Use these instructions
at your own risk.